Over 95% of NZ’s geothermal industry is located in the Taupō Volcanic Zone, which extends from the Central Plateau through to Bay of Plenty and White Island / Whakaari. There are nine developed geothermal reservoirs in the Taupō Volcanic Zone, plus Ngawha in Northland.
Māori have a long-standing relationship with geothermal, since first arriving from Hawaiki over 800 years ago. They play a key part in realising this geothermal potential, as kaitiaki / guardians, investors, operators and employees in the industry. Several iwi trusts such as Tuaropaki Trust own and operate significant geothermal assets, reflecting Mauri values as they develop, operate and sustain this taonga.
Geothermal electricity generators collectively produce 1005MW of electricity – enough to power nearly half of all New Zealand homes – with more in the pipeline. Contact Energy is currently planning or constructing over 300MW additional capacity in the Taupō district, an investment of over $1.8 billion. Mercury is assessing possible expansion of the Ngatamariki powerstation, and Eastland Generation, together with the Proprietors of Taheke 8C, are evaluating the Taheke reservoir with one well successfully completed.

Geothermal is the only renewable source of baseload electricity currently available in New Zealand, able to consistently deliver electricity 24/7 year-round, independent of rainfall, sunshine or wind. New Zealand has the fifth largest installed geothermal generation capacity in the world, behind the United States, Indonesia, the Philippines and Turkey.
Besides electricity, geothermal heat energy or “geoheat” supplies 8 PJ annually for industrial processes and primary production systems, displacing fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas. The industry aims to double this usage by 2030, providing a renewable, cost-effective, low-carbon heat source for others. Geothermal resources also provide a sustainable source of valuable minerals, such as silicon and lithium.

Amplify and the New Zealand Geothermal Association (NZGA) are proud to co-host NZ Geothermal Week, with the support of its sponsors, partners and event hosts. Launched by Amplify in 2021, wrapped around the NZGA Winter Seminar, the event week has attracted over 6,300 attendees at over 60 events in its first three years. We look forward to building on this success in 2024.
We invite you to join us and explore “Geoheat: Every Day, Everyone, Everywhere - Direct and Cascade Use of the Geothermal Resource”, where the geothermal industry, the environment and local communities thrive.

Contact Us
NZ Geothermal Week 2024 is proudly brought to you by co-hosts Amplify and the New Zealand Geothermal Association.
If you are interested in getting involved with NZ Geothermal Week, including sponsorship, event ideas, hosting and speaking opportunities, or have a query about events, please contact Rick Keehan, CEO at Amplify or Kennie Tsui CEO at NZGA.